Butterfly Host Plants
Yantis Lakeside Gardens -
Living and Gardening in the Beautiful Texas Hill Country
Here are some of the plants that butterflies need to reproduce
Photos by Robert and Sheryl Yantis
Some Host Plants for our Butterflies
Red Admiral - Hops, nettle
Tiger Swallowtail - Willow, ash, dusty miller
Giant Swallowtail - Ash, all citrus
Cloudless Sulphur - Bougainvillea, pea family
Buckeye - Snapdragon, toadflax, ruellia
Queen & Monarch - Oleander, milkweed
Gulf Fritillary - Passion Vine
Black Swallowtail - Dill, Fennel, parsley
Pipevine Swallowtail - Pipevine